Hard task to be adopted today. Poison or honey? Which I one do I need to choose. Ya, if I wrongly chose poison, I'm gonna die. If I pick up honey, do I gonna live forever? Hardship in making decisions. In Surah al-Insyirah: verses 5 and 6; Allah ever said that: "So indeed with hardship is ease", then He repeated that verse again. Thus, in hardship of making desicion, hope Allah gonna ease me by choosing the right one.
In previous lab activity, we; the whole class were introduced to this website of www.zapdramatic.com/dramas.htm. The first thing that mingle around my thinking neuron cells in this big brain is do I have to act in a role-play based on the script of the zapdramatic website? Then, when we were explained well, now I know what exactly the task is. Decision-making skills! Then, I got stars and moon in my head as I'm not really skillful in making decision. Tough moment in my life.
From the website, we were given three trial conflict situations that we need to make a decision based on the situations. Wrong decision you made, you gonna die physically or emotionally. Right decision you made, your safety ensured. Three critical situations I thought. The first and second situation is how you gonna save the day from lunatic bomber who wanna has his kids back. The third situation is quite suitable for students since the situation is based on student life at school. How he gonna manage his time well between athletics and academic performance. Ethics as students and what not.
This website is actually good for cultivating decision-making skills in negotiation, ability to make tough decisions by implying critical thinking skills which also promotes ethics and moral values. Besides, this website also enhance students' skills of listening, speaking and be rationalize in making decisions. Zapdramatic website is suitable only for adults depends on the situation given. From my observation of the dramas provided, the situations are mostly about problems happened between married couple that engaged in critical situations such as scandal or flirting, sexual issues, divorce and violence of suicide attempt. Besides, there are too many vulgar words spoke out for instance, son of a bitch and fucking. This is not our eastern culture in Malaysia that already cultivated with Islamic values. That's why this website is only suitable for someone who really sincerely wanna know how to make decisions whenever encounters critical situations regardless what the situations are.