Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Medan_Graviti minda berputar

What comes to your mind when this web "http://www.quia.com/web" appear in your screen monitor? You must be wonder, right? O God, what on earth this website actually is? Can someone explain? Then, if that so, why don't you just click on it?

At a glances, I click on the URL link. Come on! Follow me! Then you gonna discover too many interesting stuffs included in this website. Numerous of activities included jumbled words, hangman, puzzles, flashcards, rags to riches and yeah, what else? There are too many activities to be listed properly.
 #Laugh out Loud#

Besides, you also gonna find that this website isn't only for English or ESL but also other subjects. For instance, Science, Chemical, Literature, Foreign Language and yet also too many categories to be listed. If I list all those categories, one page of this blog post might not be enough. Try to discover it on your own!
#Laugh out Loud# - again?

I absolutely hard to find any of the disadvantages of this useful website. I think this created website is quite perfect in it own way. It's so appropriate for various age groups either you're the primary or secondary students. Even the university students may find it interesting and challenging as not all activities can be answered correctly. Seriously! Then, as a future teacher or properly I dubbed as 'educator', I have to assign to the Quia account and come out with my own activity according to the sample done. Don't you think it's interesting? So, I created the jumbled words spelling bee. O God! Once it's done, I try to answer my own activity. MY OWN ACTIVITY! Can you imagine that? But, guess what? I even can't answer all the jumbled words correctly. Shame on me. So, here's the link. Try it out!

From my observation as if I'm a scientist and a professor wanna be, I think this Quia website is more interesting than the Neko & Brian website. Much more interesting. The Neko & Brian website is quite more childish but not the Quia website. It's suitable for most of age groups. That's why I really think that the website is super duper interesting.

I know someone created the activities in the website. Then try to be patient with it if you have no winning experience at all on most of activities. Try again next time and keep learning people :)


1 comment:

  1. Hi Asiah,
    I am glad that you liked the quia website (more so than the neko website). You are right--there are loads of activities to try out and create. In fact, you can continue to create them before the trial period ends
